Mighty Men Of Valour Institute

Welcome To The Mighty Men Of Valour Institute!

Everyone is in a transition in life. Are you ready and equipped for that supernatural push?
No matter what life obstacles have hit you or are going to hit you, you can still gain your strength in the wilderness moments. It is those wilderness moments that will prepare us to take over the next phase of life. Never stand idle and stare at life after a set-back, get up and get in the game!

What's Mighty Men Of Valour Institute About?
It's time to re-frame your foundation as a man! You are the foundation of your family and community and Jesus IS The Chief Corner Stone! The Word of God let's us know in Mark 3:27, "No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house".

Mighty Men Of Valour Institute is a 3 Month Journey of Empowerment! We take you all the way back to Genesis 2:21-22 and teach you how to re-frame your true foundation that is found in Christ Jesus.

Classes will be held in Norwood, Ohio every Saturday from 1PM-5PM with additional Saturdays, rotating, 2 hour Outreach Community Prayer Walks and 1 Hour Workouts. Fear Not! Find out more... Enroll Now!

Mighty Men Of Valour Institute stands on 1 Peter 2:6, "Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded."

Let's gain our strength in the wilderness so we can take over in Babylon!

Our Partners
Take It Back By Love Walk
The Take It Back By Love Walk is meant to help build strength, display courage, and work faith. Our goal is to walk around communities showing the love of God through giving a handshake, a hug, and letting people know that they are appreciated as a presence in the community.
The Proper Portion
The Proper Portion is where we are feeding and clothing the nations and sharing the love of God to the community.
OnEdge Elite Fitness
On Edge Elite Fitness is a concept of staying fit, mentally sound, and it represents having the courage to step out on faith and do the impossible.
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